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JTC Helps Wildlife with Pond Clean

21st Aug 2020

JTC in the Isle of Man has been helping keep a local pond clean, to ensure a safe and enriching environment for passing wildlife.

Volunteers from JTC, including Lee Mills, Sarah Malley, Laura Martin and Alfred Mather, recently assisted Manx National Heritage to remove encroaching vegetation from a pond on the Calf of Man, which is an important habitat for passing waders and other bird species, as well as being home to European Eel.

The Calf of Man Nature Reserve and Bird Observatory is home to around 33 species of birds that breed on the Island annually, around 10 of which are sea birds. Estate and ornithological wardens live on the island looking after the island’s population of resident and migrant birds.

Commenting on the task, Lee Mills said:

“It was a pleasure to help Manx National Heritage to clean the Withy Pond for local wildlife. We are so lucky that the Isle of Man plays host to such a wide array of species, some of which are on long journeys and need a safe place to stop.

For us at JTC, we feel it is very important to support the local community and our surrounding environment. This was also a great way to spend time with colleagues in a different setting. We want to say thank you to the charity for welcoming us and showing us the ropes, as well as teaching us a bit about the wildlife we’re helping support.”

Lynsey Clague, Communications Manager for Manx National Heritage said:

“Manx National Heritage are very grateful to JTC for carrying out the work to the Withy Pond, which provides a unique and biodiverse wildlife habitat, supporting bird species, freshwater plants, insects and mammals. Both the pond and its wildlife species are regularly monitored by Manx Wildlife Trust, who are contracted to provide wardening services for our charity on the Calf of Man.

Sadly, many countryside pond habitats aren’t as fortunate, with many threatened by pollution, changing climate, drainage, and development, and many are in very poor condition.

JTC have done a great job in helping maintain the pond and we are very grateful for their support.  Projects like this are invaluable for the ongoing preservation and protection of the Island’s natural heritage.”

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