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JTC Raises Over £1000 And Helps Local Charities In The Isle Of Man

4th Jan 2021

JTC, a leading global provider of fund, corporate and private client services, has raised over £1000 for charities in the Isle of Man this year, as well as staff volunteering hours of their time to help in practical ways.

The firm raised funds for Alder Hey – Crohns and Colitis Department by holding dress-down Fridays, a Christmas raffle, a Manx themed bake sale to celebrate the Manx bank holiday and a ‘Name the Gonk’ competition – a festive Scandinavian folklore creature with a white beard.

JTC has also been helping the Lions Club Isle of Man by raising money for Manx Children in Need with them, and by laying woodchip on the oncology courtyard of the hospital.

A financial donation was given to the Graih Homeless Shelter as well, with staff giving food items to the Shelter through a reverse advent calendar – where gifts are given, rather than received.

JTC has also volunteered for Manx Wildlife Trust in Calf of Man, helping the wardens who live on the Island to remove weeds from a bog, which is key habitat for local wildlife. Staff enjoyed the day and were grateful to find out only afterwards that the bog contained eels.

The firm has helped MacMillan Cancer Support, by holding a Macmillan coffee morning. The team has also held a charity bin for Crossroads Care in the office which staff can donate unwanted items to – five full bins were filled in 2020. Most recently, JTC has donated festive hampers to the care home residents and staff at Reayrt ny Baie Care Home.

Commenting on all the charity work JTC has done in the Isle of Man this year, Lee Mills, director in the Isle of Man office, said:

“I am so proud of all the time our staff have given to charities on the Isle of Man this year. JTC understands how important it is to support the local community and charities across the Island, and our team of 19 people in the Isle of Man love getting involved in this. This year has been extraordinary, and it is a testament to the Manx people that charities have continued to work so hard for our community through hard times. We are proud to have helped in a small way.”