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Luxembourg ManCos: Continued Growth

25th Oct 2022
This year, PwC in Luxembourg published its 7th annual Observatory for Management Companies (ManCos) report to analyse key figures and trends in the industry.

This edition showed continued positive trends for ManCos based in the Grand Duchy with growth of 22% in Assets Under Management (AUM) over the year to €5,314bn.

Despite a geopolitical uncertainty, challenging market conditions and an ever-evolving regulatory environment, Luxembourg ManCos continue to show a strong ability to adapt and an agility to create opportunities amid ongoing uncertainty within the financial services sector.

Luxembourg is the largest investment fund centre in Europe and the second largest in the world after the US.

JTC’s acquisition of Exequtive Partners was announced on 26 March 2019, enhancing and strengthening our corporate and funds offering, and increasing our Luxembourg presence with a very high-quality, fast-growing business.

JTC’s Luxembourg office, which opened in 2009, acts as the European centre for funds and corporate services and is perfectly placed to assist with AIFMD requirements, offering a wide range of relevant and customisable services including:

  • Risk reporting
  • AIFMD reporting
  • Fund services
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Depositary

Commenting on the report, Louis Lamotte, Managing Director – JTC Global AIFM Solutions S.A. – Luxembourg, said:

“This report shows that the ManCo industry in Luxembourg is maintaining a resilient position despite a turbulent global economic environment and continues to find added value for fund managers who are seeking an experienced workforce and specific expertise for European funds. JTC has been pleased to work with our clients to ensure that their experience is as smooth as possible.”

“To further illustrate the continued growth of the service, JTC’s Luxembourg ManCo services saw a 62.9% increase in revenue for the year to the end of August 2022 with a 45.1% rise for the calendar year to the end of 2021.

To find out more about JTC’s AIFM and ManCo services in Luxembourg, please contact Louis directly or visit our dedicated page.

Earlier this year, Joost Mees, Managing Director – Head of Luxembourg, appeared on PwC’s Professional Services podcast to talk about fund administration, digitalisation, the increasing demands of regulation and the benefits that Luxembourg can provide for US managers.

To read the whole report, please visit PwC’s website: Observatory for Management Companies (

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